Confronting fear.

Challenge the fears in your mind, to achieve a higher vision for yourself.

Courage is often perceived as the grand gestures of heroism we see in stories or movies. However, true courage can manifest in the quieter, more personal decisions we make in our lives. This sentiment is captured in Ros Russell's interview on Brave New Girls podcast, where we discuss courage in the context of her book, "The End of Where We Begin." 

Ros points out that courage is not solely about bravery in the face of danger but also about confronting our fears to achieve a larger vision for ourselves. This is exemplified by Veronica, a character in her novel. Despite being young, a mother, and in the dire setting of a refugee camp, Veronica chooses to confront her deepest fear of judgment and shame by returning to school. Her determination to enroll in primary school, alongside children half her age, embodies the essence of courage. It's about taking steps towards a goal that is larger than the immediate discomfort and fear.

Drawing inspiration from this, we can apply the same principles to our lives, especially as we strive for healthier living and a healthier planet. Courage in this context is about making choices that may seem daunting but ultimately lead us to a better quality of life and a more sustainable world.

Here are some statistics that highlight the importance of courage in personal and planetary health: 

A study by the American Psychological Association shows that taking action to overcome fears can significantly lower stress levels and improve overall well-being.

Research by the Global Environmental Change indicates that individuals who make courageous decisions to change their lifestyle for environmental reasons often feel a greater sense of personal accomplishment and societal contribution. 

With these insights, we understand that courage is essential for personal growth and the collective health of our planet. The Brave New Girls podcast emphasizes these narratives, encouraging us to live better and create a better world through our own journeys of courage.

To wrap up, courage is about stepping beyond our comfort zone, confronting our fears, and making decisions that align with our deeper values and dreams. It's about the small, everyday choices as much as the big, life-changing ones. And each act of courage, no matter how small, contributes to our collective vision for a healthier life on a healthier planet.


How can we translate this understanding of courage into action?

Here are 10 actionable steps to help you overcome fear and step into courage:

Identify Your Fears: Write down what you are afraid of and why.

Set Clear Goals: Define what a 'bigger dream' looks like for you.

Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power. The more you know, the less you fear.

Start Small: Take one small step at a time towards your goal.

Celebrate Successes: Recognise and reward your courage.

Seek Support: Surround yourself with people who encourage you.

Embrace Failure: See setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.

Visualise Success: Imagine the positive outcomes of your courage.

Maintain Health: A healthy body supports a courageous spirit.

Reflect on Impact: Consider how your actions contribute to a healthier planet.


In essence, courage is the bridge between fear and the realisation of our dreams. As we look towards a future where both personal health and environmental sustainability are paramount, we can ask ourselves: What small act of courage can I take today to contribute to this vision?


Wear your courage:

 PS. To celebrate your courage I have collaborated with Amulette London to create a beautiful Brave New Girl recycled silver or 9ct gold necklace “A Charm for Fortune & Fortitude”. Get yours HERE

PPS. If you would like support in growing your inner Brave New Girl for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Conscious courage.


Strength to be vulnerable.