Conscious courage.

Empowering Us to Navigate Life with Bravery and Awareness.

In this week’s Brave New Girls podcast, Lorraine Flower discusses with me the intricate relationship between consciousness and courage. This conversation is pivotal for us if we are seeking to lead a life underscored by bravery and mindfulness, especially in the domains of work, relationships, and environmental stewardship.

“Courage is seeing when things are not working as they should be, is the ability to be able to stand up and say, How about we do this differently? And I think it's taken courage for us to do that. Are we in the fearless state? I think we've had moments of fearlessness, but I don't think we've necessarily fully stepped into that. But this does take courage because you're going against the tide.”

Lorraine's definition of courage is profound yet practical. She differentiates between courage and fearlessness, suggesting that courage involves recognising challenges and consciously choosing to face them, despite discomfort. This perspective is particularly relevant in today's fast-paced, often overwhelming world. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, 28% of women report managing stress by skipping necessary activities like social interactions, which are essential for a courageous, conscious life. 

Embracing this form of conscious courage can be transformative for us. In the workplace, for instance, a survey by KPMG found that 67% of women reported they needed more support building confidence to feel like they can be leaders. Lorraine's insights suggest that this confidence comes from a blend of courage and consciousness. By acknowledging internal fears and still choosing to step forward, we can reshape our professional journeys.

Moreover, Lorraine's emphasis on organisational consciousness aligns with Frederick Laloux's research in his book "Reinventing Organisations". Laloux argues that an organisation's level of consciousness mirrors that of its top leader. This is a call to action for those in leadership: to elevate their consciousness and, by extension, elevate their organisations.

However, this journey isn't solely for those in leadership roles. Every individual's effort to increase our consciousness and courage contributes to a collective transformation. This is crucial in today's context, where women are increasingly playing pivotal roles in creating a healthier planet. As per a report by the United Nations, empowering women is key to achieving environmental sustainability.

So, how can women integrate this approach into their everyday lives, especially in a world where, as Lorraine notes, traditional hierarchies and cultural norms can feel like a "big slurping gel" that stifles progress?


How can we integrate conscious courage into our everyday lives?

Here are 10 actionable steps inspired by Lorraine's definition of courage:

Embrace Discomfort: Acknowledge feelings of discomfort as opportunities for growth.

Cultivate Self-awareness: Regularly reflect on your values, beliefs, and actions.

Practice Mindfulness: Engage in activities that enhance present-moment awareness, like meditation or yoga.

Seek Feedback: Actively seek constructive criticism to understand different perspectives.

Learn Continuously: Embrace lifelong learning to expand your understanding and skills.

Network Bravely: Connect with mentors and peers who inspire courage and consciousness.

Speak Up: Share your ideas and opinions, even when it feels risky.

Set Conscious Goals: Align your personal and professional goals with your values.

Lead by Example: Demonstrate courage and consciousness in your actions.

Engage in Community Service: Contribute to societal change by participating in community or environmental initiatives.

Integrating consciousness and courage into every aspect of life is not just beneficial but necessary for those of us who are striving for a more fulfilling existence. As we learn from Lorraine Flower on Brave New Girls podcast, this approach is not just about personal growth but also about fostering a more equitable and sustainable world.

So let's keep thinking and acting on this question: how can we live with conscious courage?


Wear your courage:

 PS. To celebrate your courage I have collaborated with Amulette London to create a beautiful Brave New Girl recycled silver or 9ct gold necklace “A Charm for Fortune & Fortitude”. Get yours HERE

PPS. If you would like support in growing your inner Brave New Girl for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Rebuild your world.


Confronting fear.