Strength to be vulnerable.

How to live more courageously and contribute to a better world.

In the world of healthcare and wellness, courage often takes on a physical dimension—beating a disease, running a marathon, or achieving some measurable feat of strength. However, as Dani Binnington shared in her poignant reflection on the Brave New Girls podcast, true courage can be a quiet, internal act of showing up authentically, day by day.

“Courage for me is showing up with who I am on this particular day. I always thought courage for me would be in being a cancer survivor that thrives after their cancer treatment, that runs a marathon, that climbs mountains, that raises lots of money for charity. But Courage Now is showing up and showing my feelings with who I am without worrying what you're going to think about me, without the consequence of what that might mean to be me.”

This sentiment, coming from a cancer survivor, redefines bravery for many of us. It's not just about overcoming a disease; it’s about thriving in everyday life, despite the challenges that come with past traumas or current uncertainties. It's about the strength to be vulnerable, to show feelings, and to be true to oneself without fear of judgment or repercussion. 

Dani’s definition of courage aligns with the emerging body of research that suggests authenticity and emotional expression are crucial for mental and physical health. A study by the American Psychological Association highlighted that genuine emotional expression is a key component of mental well-being and resilience. Moreover, according to a report from the University of Rochester Medical Center, patients who engage openly with their feelings are more likely to adhere to treatment plans and maintain a positive outlook on life.

This brand of courage is essential in an era where women are increasingly seeking a balance between personal health and environmental stewardship. It’s about embarking on a BRAVE journey—being Bold, Resilient, Authentic, Vulnerable, and Empowered. These are the steps we can take to live more courageously and foster a better world, especially when the future feels uncertain.

Here are 10 actionable steps to build the resilience that comes from this understanding of courage: 

Practice Self-Awareness: Regularly check in with yourself to acknowledge your true feelings and emotional state.

Cultivate Mindfulness: Through meditation or breathing exercises, become more present, reducing anxiety about the future or past.

Engage in Honest Dialogue: Have conversations where you express your thoughts and feelings openly, fostering deeper connections.

Pursue Emotional Literacy: Educate yourself on identifying and articulating your emotions, enhancing your communication skills.

Embrace Therapy: Therapy can be a safe space to explore your feelings and develop strategies for authentic living.

Create Support Networks: Build relationships with individuals who value and encourage authenticity.

Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to say 'no' and prioritize your well-being, both emotionally and physically.

Develop Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness, especially during moments of self-doubt or criticism.

Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate the small moments of courage in your everyday life.

Reflect on Personal Values: Align your actions with your core values, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

These steps not only encourage personal growth but also contribute to a healthier planet, as authenticity fosters a deeper connection with the world around us.

Let's ponder the insight from Dani Binnington’s journey: What does it mean to you to show up and express your feelings with who you are without worrying what people are going to think about you, without the consequence of what that might mean to be you?


Wear your courage:

 PS. To celebrate your courage I have collaborated with Amulette London to create a beautiful Brave New Girl recycled silver or 9ct gold necklace “A Charm for Fortune & Fortitude”. Get yours HERE

PPS. If you would like support in growing your inner Brave New Girl for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Confronting fear.


Act despite fear.