You be you.

Courage to do what's needed: Neena Vaswani’s Chocolate Revolution

Every week I ask my Brave New Girls podcast guest how they define courage. This week is Neena Vaswani, co-founder of Prodigy Snacks. She believes courage is about authenticity and the power in being yourself:

"For me, courage is about being yourself; having the courage to be you. And I think that if you are you and you're living according to your values and what you think is right in that moment, you will find that courage to do what's needed in the moment for the outside world. That's how I've lived my life"

Neena’s understanding of courage shines a light on the broader context of living well and making conscious choices. Neena's Prodigy Snacks, a pioneer in gut-friendly and planet-conscious chocolate, epitomises this courage. Creating a product that aligns with one's values, especially in the face of an industry resistant to change, is not just a business strategy—it is an act of bravery.

Courage, according to Neena, is not a loud, boisterous declaration but a quiet, steadfast resolve to be true to oneself. It's about the strength to eschew convenience for principle, choosing ingredients and packaging that respect our bodies and the earth. This idea goes beyond chocolate—it's about having the courage to change our lifestyles, to choose products that are intentionally crafted for health and sustainability.

Neena's approach to Prodigy Snacks is a testament to the courage to change. The chocolate they create is not only a treat for the palate but also a celebration of what it means to care—for ourselves, for each other, and for our planet. It is a reminder that bravery is not just about facing fears but about embracing the future we want to create.

Ten Actionable Steps to Embrace Change with Courage:

1.    Reflect on personal values and how they align with daily choices.

2.    Research and choose foods that are kind to the gut and the environment.

3.    Support companies that prioritise sustainable practices.

4.    Make one small change toward sustainability each day.

5.    Advocate for and purchase products with compostable or recyclable packaging.

6.    Participate in community environmental initiatives.

7.    Educate others about the importance of conscious consumption.

8.    Embrace new habits that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

9.    Reflect on the impact of purchases on personal health and the planet.

10.  Celebrate each step towards a more intentional and courageous way of living.

Neena Vaswani's journey with Prodigy Snacks, as shared on the Brave New Girls podcast, exemplifies the courage to be true to oneself and to make choices that positively impact the world. It's a story of bravery in business and life, inspiring us all to have the courage to change for the better.

PS. If you would like support in combating stress to grow your inner Brave New Girl for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Make the leap


Embracing vulnerability.