Make the leap

Courage to do the next thing: Patricia Walsh takes a leap of faith.

Every week I ask my Brave New Girls podcast guest how they define courage. This week is Patricia Walsh, public art consultant, who left the security of a job, to create her own business. She believes in trusting in what feels is the next right thing, and taking action towards it.

She says courage is the ability to adapt to life's challenges and to do what is best for oneself despite the fears that may arise. This philosophy is encapsulated in her own leap of faith, relying on a trust in the universe and in herself that if it is the right path, things will work out.

"It's this idea of being able to do the right thing or doing what's best for yourself regardless of all the fears that you're going to conjure... there's this kind of belief that I personally have had to lean into every time I've run into these types of challenges in my life is that the universe is just going to catch you and if it's really the right thing for you, you'll figure it out along the way"​​.

In a broader sense, courage, Patricia believes, is about trusting yourself amid uncertainty and being willing to move forward, even when the outcome is not guaranteed. It is about embracing change and being open to the unexpected turns of life.

Patricia's narrative on courage is a testament to the transformative power of self-belief and the willingness to embrace change. Her story is a reminder that with courage, we can face the unknown, take the necessary leaps, and find our footing, regardless of the challenges we meet.

If you are inspired to cultivate your own courage, here are 10 actionable steps:

1.     Reflect on your values to understand what 'doing the right thing' means to you.

2.     Acknowledge your fears but don't let them dictate your actions.

3.     Take small steps outside your comfort zone regularly.

4.     Build a support network that encourages your growth.

5.     Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they seem.

6.     Learn from setbacks without viewing them as failures.

7.     Stay flexible and open to new opportunities.

8.     Engage in activities that boost self-confidence.

9.     Maintain a positive outlook and trust in the journey.

10.  Keep a journal to track your progress and personal growth.


PS. If you would like support in combating stress to grow your inner Brave New Girl for a better life, book in for a free chat and we can take it from there: BOOK A CHAT

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


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