Embracing failure.

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Creating a Sustainable Venture in the Heart of Hospitality.

 When you think you’ve hit rock bottom, hand over to your creative brain to get you out of the mess. That’s what Celia Gaze did when she was under the threat of bankrupty. She came up with the idea to put one of her beloved llama’s in bow tie and post the image across social media. It went viral and her Well being Farm hasn’t looked back since.

If you’d like to know how she managed to dodge corporate burnout, then near-bankruptsy, to go on to create a fun, unique wedding and events venue that’s sustainable and puts wellbeing back into the heart of events then listen to this episode with Celia Gaze, Founder of The Wellbeing Farm. It’s one of the first B Corp Certified venues in the UK and one that is powered by a wind turbine, committed to its local community and a partner to a charity empowering women in Kenya. This is what better business can look like and how responsibility for people and the planet starts at home.

She shows us how we can go from mid-life crisis, new parenthood, or corporate burnout to finding the essential thing that we want to spend our life doing, whether that’s for the benefit of ourselves and our loved ones, our local and global community, and for the planet itself.

Celia Gaze, the visionary behind The Wellbeing Farm, illustrates a powerful transformation from burnout in the healthcare sector to leading one of the UK’s pioneering B Corp certified venues. This transition was fuelled by her quest for a sustainable, enjoyable business model that does more than just generate profit; it enhances community wellbeing and preserves the environment.

The Wellbeing Farm, celebrating over a decade of operations, stands as a testament to the positive impact businesses can have when they integrate sustainability into their core. According to Celia, the initial impetus for the farm arose from personal adversity—a severe burnout—pushing her towards creating an environment that could encourage physical and mental wellness.

The farm is not only a venue for special events but is sustainably powered by a wind turbine, highlighting the seamless integration of green energy into everyday business operations. And it all began with Celia’s idea for dressing one of her llamas in a bow-tie. Not surprisingly the image went viral and her venture took flight.

Harnessing the Power of Community and Sustainability

At The Wellbeing Farm, sustainability is not just a buzzword but a practical everyday practice. Initiatives like using clear plastic bags for waste to better assess and manage refuse highlight innovative yet simple ways businesses can make a significant environmental impact. The farm’s commitment extends to social aspects by supporting local, predominantly female-owned suppliers and hosting inclusive events such as same-sex wedding fairs.

The benefits of such a sustainable model are tangible. Statistics indicate that incorporating sustainability practices can reduce operating costs by up to 20%, and enhance customer loyalty as more consumers prefer eco-friendly businesses. The Wellbeing Farm’s approach not only conserves resources but also strengthens the local economy, providing a blueprint for others in the industry.

Celia shows how it’s important to embrace failure, get creative, and use your values to find a solution.

Ten Actionable Steps to Infuse Wellbeing and Sustainability into Your Business

1.    Switch to renewable energy sources where possible, such as solar panels or wind turbines.

2.    Implement comprehensive recycling and composting programs to minimize waste.

3.    Choose local and sustainable suppliers to reduce carbon footprint and support the community.

4.    Promote inclusive events that cater to diverse groups, enhancing social sustainability.

5.    Adopt transparent waste management practices, like using clear bags to identify and reduce unnecessary waste.

6.    Offer sustainable transport options for events, such as partnerships with local transport companies to reduce individual car use.

7.    Engage in community partnerships that align with your business values, such as local charities or environmental initiatives.

8.    Educate staff and customers about the importance of sustainability practices through workshops and informational materials.

9.    Evaluate and adapt business practices regularly to ensure they align with the latest sustainability standards.

10.                  Celebrate and communicate your sustainability achievements to inspire others and build brand loyalty.


Embracing the Future with Responsibility

The journey of The Wellbeing Farm from a personal healing project to a leader in sustainable hospitality underscores the profound impact that mindful business practices can have on society. As highlighted on the Brave New Girls podcast, Celia’s story is an inspiring example of how businesses can thrive by being environmentally conscious and socially responsible. This model not only promises a healthier life for individuals but also for a healthier planet.

By adopting similar practices, entrepreneurs at any stage of their journey can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world. The Wellbeing Farm not only celebrates individual moments but paves the way for a future where every business decision is a step towards sustainability.

PS. Listen HERE to CELIA’s journey on BRAVE NEW GIRLS podcast to hear how she helps us help the planet.

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Stick to your guns.


Love and loss.