Scared to start.

Overcoming podcasting fears, and sharing your voice.

The best time to start a podcast was before 2018. After that everyone jumped on board. Fear is going to raise its head and tell you it’s pointless to start now. And it’s true- it’s a lot harder to gain traction now. But let’s not let fear get in the way. Let’s look at how we can outsmart your fears.

Shining a spotlight on your book, business, or brand can feel like a daunting task, especially in the vast sea of digital content. Podcasting, however is an opportunity that offers a stand-out platform for spreading influence and impact for the longterm. You own the territory and it's not policed by the algorithms in the way that socials are. Yet, your hesitation to start is common; the process can seem overwhelming. This is where the right support becomes invaluable, such as that provided by a podcast coach and a production team. (Get in touch with me and my team for support)

With the guidance of a podcast coach, the journey from a concept to a successful podcast becomes less intimidating. This approach offers a nurturing environment that empowers individuals to carry their message and mission on the mic. It's a step towards making the world a better place by sharing your expertise and experience—and that of your guests—on the airwaves

Podcasting isn't just another marketing strategy; it’s a growing phenomenon. What makes a podcast successful and continuously engaging to listeners is its relevance, consistency, quality content, authenticity, and the ability to connect with the audience on a personal level.

Transferring the elements of brand-building such as storytelling, audience engagement, and value provision to podcasting can amplify your brand’s voice in a space that’s relevant to your audience. For example, if your brand is about sustainable living, your podcast can feature discussions with experts in the field, share tips for an eco-friendly lifestyle, and engage with listeners to create a community around your brand values.

Here are 10 actionable steps to embark on your podcasting journey:

Define Your Purpose: Clarify what you want your podcast to achieve for your brand.

Know Your Audience: Understand who you are speaking to and what they care about.

Plan Your Content: Map out topics, formats, and potential guests that align with your brand message.

Invest in Quality Equipment: Ensure your audio quality reflects the professionalism of your brand.

Create a Consistent Schedule: Decide on a publishing frequency that you can maintain.

Practice Your Delivery: Work with a coach to refine your speaking and interviewing skills.

Promote Your Podcast: Utilise social media, your website, and other channels to share your podcast.

Engage With Listeners: Respond to comments, encourage discussions, and build a community.

Monitor Your Progress: Track your podcast’s growth and listener engagement to understand its impact.

Iterate and Improve: Continuously seek feedback and look for ways to enhance your podcast.

With these steps, you can overcome the initial fear and begin to leverage the power of podcasting to illuminate your brand. Remember, your unique insights and experiences could be the very catalyst for change and growth in your audience and beyond.


PS. Download your free podcast planning workbook- it gets you exactly where you need to be to start a podcast that reflects you, your expertise and your unique perspective.

PPS. Watch the masterclass - it’s a free intro to podcast guesting that will get you started on your brand storytelling journey. Dare to share, and your people will find you.

PPPS. Read my book Dare to Share- a step-by-step guide to podcast guesting

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Podcasting with Purpose.


Open the playing field.