Podcasting with Purpose.

Pioneering Progress for People and the Planet.

Can our individual voices make a difference to a world in crisis?

In the era of podcasts, the answer I believe, is yes. Podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium to cut through the noise, offering hope, seeding optimism, and lighting up better paths forward. With a global audience at our fingertips, as podcasters we can leverage our platforms to encourage dialogue. We can shine the spotlight on stories of resilience and transformation that challenge us to think and live consciously for a better society and healthier planet. Progress begins with us as individuals, ripples through communities, and ultimately impacts the world.

Podcasts have the unique ability to create intimate spaces for learning and inspiration. They can transport listeners to the frontlines of environmental conservation, share tales of peacemakers in war-torn regions, or demystify complex social issues. Podcasts give us the opportunity to go beyond passive consumption; instead they actively engage the mind and heart, hopefully lead to action.

Unusual examples of intentional podcasting include shows like "The Zero Waste Countdown," which delves into sustainable living practices, and "Peace Talks Radio," which spotlights peacemaking efforts in various communities. Another is "Outrage + Optimism," a podcast that tackles the climate crisis by combining the stark reality of science with the hopeful stories of those making a difference. And of course our very own Brave New Girls podcast championing women who are working for the health and benefit of people and planet,

Podcasters are not merely content creators; we are able to be educators, activists, and community builders. We understand that to inspire courage and promote positive change, we must present not just the challenges but also the solutions and how people can implement them. I feel hopeful that as we fill the airwaves with influential, impactful and intentional voices we will find a meaningful path ahead for humanity.

Do you want to start a purposeful podcast? Get in touch and we will help you.

As we navigate through the complexities of our times, here are 10 actionable tips for podcasters seeking to use their platforms for progress:

Highlight Solutions: Focus on the individuals and organisations creating positive change.

Educate Compassionately: Share knowledge in a way that is understanding of the listener's learning journey.

Build Community: Use your platform to build networks of listeners passionate about specific causes.

Amplify Diverse Voices: Give the microphone to those from different backgrounds to broaden perspectives.

Promote Actionable Advice: Offer listeners practical steps they can take to contribute to the cause you're discussing.

Engage with Audience: Actively involve listeners through Q&As, socials, and challenges.

Collaborate with Experts: Partner with specialists to provide authoritative insights on complex issues.

Encourage Mindfulness: Advocate for self-reflection and conscious living as part of societal change.

Commit to Continual Learning: Stay informed about the topics you discuss to ensure responsible and accurate content.

Be Consistently Authentic: Ensure that your podcast reflects genuine concern and commitment to the issues at hand.

In conclusion, podcasts can indeed be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change. By harnessing the power of storytelling and community, podcasters have the potential to inspire a collective movement towards a healthier society and a more sustainable planet. How will you use your voice?


PS. Download your free podcast planning workbook- it gets you exactly where you need to be to start a podcast that reflects you, your expertise and your unique perspective.

PPS. Watch the masterclass - it’s a free intro to podcast guesting that will get you started on your brand storytelling journey. Dare to share, and your people will find you.

PPPS. Read my book Dare to Share- a step-by-step guide to podcast guesting

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Flaws to flow.


Scared to start.