Talking taboos.

Tackle taboo topics on podcasts responsibly, for impactful, open conversations.

Talking about taboos on podcasts presents a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about topics that are often kept in the shadows. The power of podcasts lies in their ability to reach a wide audience, opening up discussions on sensitive subjects while respecting the delicate balance between free speech and ethical considerations. To navigate this terrain, podcasters must be mindful of legal and ethical boundaries, ensuring that their content is both respectful and enlightening.

Navigating Legal and Ethical Considerations

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right, yet it comes with responsibilities. In the context of podcasts, this means avoiding defamation, respecting copyright laws, and ensuring privacy and confidentiality when necessary.

Defamation laws, for instance, protect individuals from false or harmful statements that could damage their reputation. Podcasters discussing controversial topics must therefore fact-check their content rigorously and present information in a way that avoids unjustly maligning any person or organization.

Copyright laws also play a significant role. Using copyrighted material without permission can lead to legal issues, underscoring the need for podcasters to use royalty-free music or sound effects and to obtain the necessary rights for any third-party content.

Privacy laws, including regulations like GDPR in Europe, emphasise the need to protect personal data and confidentiality. When discussing real-life events or cases, podcasters must navigate these regulations carefully, ensuring they do not disclose sensitive information without consent. 

Embracing a Forward-Looking Movement

Discussing taboo topics openly can pioneer a more inclusive and understanding society. Subjects like mental health, sexuality, and death, once considered off-limits, are increasingly finding a voice in the podcasting world. This shift not only helps destigmatise these issues but also provides support and information to those who may feel isolated by their experiences.

The key to tackling these subjects lies in a respectful and informed approach. Podcasters should aim to educate themselves thoroughly on the topics they cover, seeking expertise when necessary to provide accurate and sensitive portrayals. Furthermore, giving a platform to voices directly experiencing these issues can ensure more authentic and respectful discussions.

Do you want to start a purposeful podcast? Get in touch and we will help you.

Ten Actionable Steps for Podcasters

Research Thoroughly: Understand the topic deeply to present informed and respectful discussions.

Seek Expertise: Involve experts or individuals with lived experiences to lend authenticity and sensitivity to the conversation.

Understand Your Audience: Be aware of the diverse backgrounds and sensitivities of your listeners.

Use Discretion with Language: Choose words carefully to discuss sensitive topics without causing unnecessary harm or offense.

Be Mindful of Legal Boundaries: FamiliariSe yourself with defamation laws, copyright regulations, and privacy concerns.

Fact-Check Religiously: Verify the accuracy of your content to maintain credibility and avoid spreading misinformation.

Provide Trigger Warnings: Inform listeners about potentially distressing content at the beginning of the episode.

Encourage Constructive Dialogue: Foster an environment where listeners feel comfortable sharing their views and experiences.

Promote Resources: Offer information about support services or resources related to your topic.

Reflect and Respond: Be open to feedback from your audience and willing to adjust your approach based on constructive criticism.

By following these guidelines, we podcasters can create content that pushes boundaries and encourages open, respectful conversations about taboo topics, contributing to a more informed and empathetic society.


PS. Download your free podcast planning workbook- it gets you exactly where you need to be to start a podcast that reflects you, your expertise and your unique perspective.

PPS. Watch the masterclass - it’s a free intro to podcast guesting that will get you started on your brand storytelling journey. Dare to share, and your people will find you.

PPPS. Read my book Dare to Share- a step-by-step guide to podcast guesting

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


Provocative podcasts.


Flaws to flow.