Escape your bubble.

Podcasts: Build your brand & promote your book to new audiences

Podcast guesting grows your brand or promote your book, because it gets you out of your own bubble and in front of other people's audiences. The beauty is that your experiences and expertise are so unique that when you transmit your story on the airwaves and take the content of your interviews and turn them into blogs it will be original and attributable to you. That beats AI hands down. AI can't have its own personal experiences (yet!) and google doesn't respond well to generic stuff that can be found anywhere. So when you broadcast your original knowledge-print, it will capture people's attention. I have written Dare to Share, the bestselling guide to podcast guesting so you can learn the whole process, but for now let's dig deeper into the benefits.

Broadening Your Reach

Podcasting has grown exponentially, with millions of listeners tuning in daily. Appearing as a guest on relevant podcasts allows you to tap into these established audiences. This exposure is particularly beneficial for promoting a book or brand, as it puts your message in front of listeners who are already interested in your genre or industry. Unlike traditional advertising, which often interrupts the audience, podcast guesting allows you to integrate your message seamlessly into content that listeners have chosen and are engaged with.

The SEO Edge

The uniqueness of your experiences and expertise gives you an edge in search engine optimisation (SEO). Google’s algorithms favour original, high-quality content. When you share your insights on a podcast, you're not just reaching listeners; you're also creating content that is uniquely yours. This originality is something that AI and generic online content can't replicate, giving you a significant advantage in search engine rankings. 

Transforming Interviews into Blogs

An often-overlooked benefit of podcast guesting is the ability to repurpose content. The discussions you have during a podcast interview can be transformed into blog posts, social media content, or even chapters in a book. This repurposing strategy not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistency across various platforms. When your podcast content is turned into a blog post, it retains the originality of your spoken words, making it a valuable, SEO-friendly asset that's attributable solely to you. 

Building Relationships

Podcast guesting isn't just about reaching the audience; it's also about building relationships with hosts and fellow guests. These connections can lead to further opportunities, such as collaborations, joint ventures, or additional guest appearances. The networking aspect of podcast guesting can be incredibly valuable, particularly for authors and brand ambassadors seeking to establish themselves in their respective fields.

Showcasing Your Expertise

Podcasting provides an intimate platform to delve deeply into your subject matter. Unlike brief advertisements or social media posts, a podcast interview allows for detailed discussions. This depth gives you the opportunity to showcase your expertise, share your story, and connect with the audience on a personal level. For book authors, this means an opportunity to discuss the themes, backstory, or research behind your book, which can intrigue listeners and motivate them to learn more.

Long-Term Benefits

The content of a podcast episode continues to work for you long after the recording. Episodes are often available indefinitely, meaning that new listeners can discover your interview months or even years later. This long-term visibility is a significant advantage over other forms of marketing that have a shorter lifespan.

Practical Tips for Effective Podcast Guesting


Choose Relevant Podcasts: Target podcasts that align with your book's genre or your brand's industry. This ensures that your message reaches the right audience.

Prepare Thoroughly: Understand the podcast’s format and audience. Prepare key messages but be ready for organic conversation.

Promote Your Appearance: Share the episode with your network and on social media to maximise its reach.

Follow Up: Engage with listeners who reach out and maintain a relationship with the host for potential future collaborations.

Repurpose: Something I rarely see guests do is repurpose the content of the interviews they do on other people’s podcasts. This is missing a trick. Ask the host for a transcript of the interview, and then write blogs, social posts and email tips directly from the words you have expressed using your own experience and expertise.


In conclusion, podcast guesting is a dynamic and effective way to grow your brand or promote your book. It allows you to leverage the power of existing audiences, benefits from unique SEO advantages, and provides a platform for showcasing your expertise. By strategically utilising this medium, you can significantly enhance your visibility and reach, making a lasting impact in your field.


 PS. Watch my masterclass - it’s a free intro to podcast guesting that will get you started on your brand storytelling journey. Dare to share, and your people will find you.

PPS. Read my book Dare to Share- a step-by-step guide to podcast guesting

Lou Hamilton

Lou has a 20-year award-winning career in film, TV, and art, and is the host of the top-ranked Brave New Girl podcast. A certified life coach for 15 years, Lou specialises in helping you discover and harness your own unique superpower.


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